
2022-02-22 22:22 stArt 1, 2, 3, 4… Progress 2, 22, 222, 2222… Symmetry 22.❤2.2❤22 – WWW – Więcej Wrażeń, Wspomnień! –

Klaudia Pingot – 1. Policewoman (15 years) 2. Psychologist – Respect

1. Intellectual development. 2. Spiritual development. Relaxation, the best meditations, affirmations, good intentions, self-suggestions, music therapy.

“Beautiful, Effective, Smart, The BEST” 12R.tv❌✅

127 power affirmations, 432 Hz. Listen every day. More magic every day.

“0. I swim further and deeper.

1. My thoughts influence what was and what will be.
2. I am.
3. I am and I feel the power flowing from this word.
4. I am in the here and now.
5. I am part of the universe.
6. I am soul in body and body in soul.
7. I am a combination of energy and matter.
8. I am here not by accident.
9. I am here for a reason.
10. I am the wisdom of my experiences.
11. I am the potential of my feelings and thoughts.
12. I am the product of my choices.
13. I am perfection in my imperfection.
14. I am a value in itself.
15. I am already and I am still.
16. I am even when I have nothing.
17. I am even when no one returns to my attention.
18. I am the light in the dark.
19. I am the breath in silence.
20. I am the creator of my life.
21. I am and I feel it in my heart.
22. I am because You are.
23. You are because I am.
24. I swim further and deeper.
25. My thoughts influence what was and what will be.
26. I’m alive.
27. I am alive and I feel the power flowing from this word.
28. I live because I know this life happens to me.
29. I am alive and this is the greatest gift.
30. I am alive and thanks to this I can experience love.
31. I am alive and therefore I can learn from my mistakes.
32. I am alive and I can start over every day.
33. I am alive and I have the right to stop in this life.
34. I live to gain new experiences.
35. I live to develop and get to know myself.
36. I live to lead by example.
37. I live to experience joy and gratitude.
38. I live by going through this life with courage and curiosity.
39. I live and feel it in my heart.
40. This is my life and my time.
41. This is my road and my adventure.
42. I live because life is worth living.
43. I swim farther and deeper.
44. My thoughts influence what was and what will be.
45. I accept.
46. I accept and feel the power of this word.
47. I accept, to turn suffering into understanding.
48. I accept reality as it is.
49. I accept myself for who I am.
50. I accept my lights and shadows.
51. I accept myself where I am.
52. I accept what happened and is happening to me.
53. I accept my own mistakes and failures.
54. I accept people and their diversity.
55. I accept the complexity of life.
56. I accept my anger and helplessness.
57. I accept my past.
58. I accept it and feel it in my heart.
59. I accept that not everything is what I want it to be.
60. I replace the objection with acceptance.
61. When I accept, my body relaxes and heals.
62. Acceptance embraces myself and the world.
63. I swim farther and deeper.
64. My thoughts influence what was and what will be.
65. I forgive.
66. I forgive and feel the power of that word.
67. I forgive to let go of the burden.
68. I forgive myself for mistakes.
69. I forgive the world injustice.
70. I forgive myself for failing sometimes.
71. I forgive those who make me suffer.
72. I forgive and have compassion.
73. When I forgive my body becomes light and my heart free.
74. I embrace myself and the world with forgiveness and compassion.
75. I swim farther and deeper.
76. My thoughts influence what was and what will be.
77. I have the right to be myself.
78. I have the right to say: “no”.
79. I have the ability to say: “I want to”.
80. I have the sky above my head.
81. I have the ground under my feet.
82. I have nature around.
83. I have myself.
84. I have a heart that beats.
85. I have love in and around me.
86. I am aware of what is important.
87. I have the breath that gives me life.
88. I have a life that is a journey.
89. I have enough to feel joy.
90. I have enough to feel grateful.
91. When I feel like I have so much, my body solidifies and my heart is at ease.
92. I swim farther and deeper.
93. My thoughts influence what was and what will be.
94. I allow myself to let go of what does not serve me.
95. Allowing myself to experience what I need.
96. I allow myself to feel the light within myself.
97. I allow myself to be myself.
98. I allow myself to rest.
99. I allow my intuition to support me.
100. I Let My Past Give Me the Wisdom of Experiences.
101. I allow my future to lead me to the best.
102. I allow my here and now to be a moment of power.
103. When I indulge in what is important, my body gives me wings and my heart beats rhythmically.
104. I swim farther and deeper.
105. My thoughts influence what was and what will be.
106. I’m opening up.
107. I open myself up and feel the power flowing from this word.
108. I am open to love.
109. I am open to good.
110. I’m opening up to the unknown.
111. I am open to my potentials.
112. I am open to people.
113. I’m opening up to myself.
114. I am open to whatever the new day brings.
115. I am open to opportunities and lessons from difficult experiences.
116. I am open to abundance and abundance.
117. I am open to change.
118. When I open my mind, my body feels strong and my heart feels courageous.
119. I swim farther and deeper.
120. My thoughts influence what was and what will be.
121. I balance energy in myself and all energy centers.
122. I balance the root chakra to feel safe.
123. I balance the sacral chakra to experience tenderness.
124. I am balancing my solar plexus chakra to feel agency.
125. I balance my heart chakra to love.
126. I balance my throat chakra to live my truth.
127. I am balancing the third eye chakra to be aware.
128. I open the crown chakra to connect with my higher self.
129. When I balance my energy, my body heals and my heart is filled with love.
130. I swim farther and deeper.
131. My thoughts influence what was and what will be.
132. I breathe and I feel the power flowing from it.
133. I breathe freely.
134. I breathe because I live.
135. I breathe to give myself life.
136. I breathe love.
137. I breathe compassion.
138. I breathe good.
139. I breathe fulfillment.
140. I breathe steadily and deeply.
141. I breathe consciously.
142. I breathe with the trees.
143. I breathe in letting go of what does not serve me.
144. I breathe by dissolving my thoughts.
145. I am breathing as I unite with the present moment.
146. I breathe and I feel that everything is working for me.

Once you know and feel how your thoughts and feelings can influence yourself and your life, let your best intentions guide you every day, let your heart become your compass. Ubuntu”.

Meditation text and performance: Klaudia Pingot

Music: Mariusz Maciej Drozdowski

14 x doubled:
“I swim further and deeper”.
“My thoughts influence what was and what will be”.

146-14 = 132

“I am”.
“I live”.
“I accept”.
“I forgive”.
“I am opening up”.

These are more important affirmations because they are also doubled: “[…] and I feel the power flowing from this word”.

132-5 = 127

More… “I breathe […]”.

Edition 2021-12-25 – I noticed and added the omitted affirmation: “0. I’m swimming further and deeper”. It is also found among 107 affirmations. We have a total of 234 beautiful affirmations.

Edition 2021-12-26 – In Google translations from 2021-12-24 I replaced: “2 6. I’m alive”. to “26. I’m alive”.

432 Hz the best meditation to start the day. Gratitude, power of intention and vibration.

Listen to 107 affirmations daily. Attract love, abundance, and build self-esteem.

“5. I let go of the tension in my whole body. The body lets go of tension.
4. I release my mind from thoughts. The mind is freed from thoughts.
3. I allow myself to let go of control.
2. I unite with in the present moment.
1. I surrender to my higher “I”, the wisdom of my heart and the power of my mind.

6. I swim farther and deeper.
7. I allow myself to feel the energy that fills me and surrounds me.
8. My breath becomes energy.
9. Energy is the warmth I feel in my chest.
10. My thoughts are energy.
11. My thoughts become like butterflies flying around.
12. They give me joy and relief.
13. Relief fills my body, and all reality around me sways like the calm waves of the ocean.
14. I open my heart to life, I open my heart to myself.
15. I open my heart to good and beauty.
16. I allow beauty and goodness to flow to me.
17. I feel them as energy.
18. I surrender to what comes, trusting that what comes will serve me.
19. I live this moment – now.
20. I let go of what does not serve me.
21. I know that every experience builds me up and enriches my story.
22. I free myself from anger, guilt and fear.
23. I let go of jealousy and regret.
24. With each conscious breath I let go of what was a burden.
25. I throw off the unnecessary burden of thoughts and emotions.
26. My thoughts let go of the tension and my head feels light and pleasant.
27. No emotion holds me anymore.
28. I feel freedom.
29. I feel unfettered joy when I look at trees and horizons.
30. I feel fresh when I am aware of the air that surrounds my body.
31. I feel in harmony when I breathe consciously and regularly.
32. Every moment is important in my life.
33. I feel grateful to be here and to be who I am.
34. There is in me unlimited power to create myself and my history.
35. I choose wisely, and my best adviser is peace.
36. Today I am opening myself fully to love, abundance and healthy self-esteem.
37. Let me feel it.
38. I am open to love.
39. Love is an energy that I invite and resonate with.
40. I bring awareness into my heart and receive the world with my heart.
41. I feel how good it is to look at life with my heart.
42. I allow my heart to fill the love of the whole universe.
43. I can feel love filling my heart, body, mind and all the space around me.
44. Love surrounds me.
45. I become love.
46. Every cell in my body vibrates with the frequency of love.
47. Wherever I am, I give and attract love.
48. I deserve unconditional love.
49. I can love unconditionally – also myself.
50. I release regret and expectation.
51. I am focused on closeness and trust.
52. I can trust and I can set limits at the same time.
53. I can give myself fully love and at the same time never allow myself to be hurt.
54. I release the fear of harm, because the love I have in me will overcome any fear.
55. I am not afraid of anything anymore, because I know how much power lies in me.
56. I am happy with what is.
57. I want to exist with all my strength with love in my heart.
58. So, from today on, I will exist with all my strength, love in my heart.
59. My intention is to feel love every day – for life, myself and others.
60. My intention is to be with the person who is worthy of me and who I am worthy of.
61. Love is the mighty force I deserve and become.

62. I am opening myself to abundance.
63. Abundance is the energy I invite and resonate with.
64. I let go of my fear for money, finding myself safe.
65. I am ready to give and take because I know that wealth is movement and flow.
66. I feel the tremendous value of my existence, and my existence is worth all the money.
67. I have many talents within me, and my skills can serve others.
68. I am open to the unknown and at the same time I can feel safe.
69. I let go of negative beliefs about myself and money.
70. All material goods are energy that I can draw from an unlimited source.
71. I deserve abundance and abundance that serve me and enable me to do more good, also for others.
72. Money and material goods are energy, as are love and gratitude.
73. By opening myself to wealth, I can still live in harmony with my values.
74. Abundance in my life is my intention.
75. My intention is to feel the full energy flow every day.

76. I open myself up to feel my full worth.
77. The value of my existence is unquestionable.
78. I hug my inner child who deserves love and goodness.
79. I am sending love to the day of my birth.
80. My existence is light, a divine vibration of love and creation.
81. I allow myself to give up all limiting and bad thoughts about myself because they are not mine.
82. I am filled with a feeling of being one with the world and one with the light.
83. I know there is an inner wisdom within me that comes to the fore when I feel at peace.
84. I feel that the universe is favorable to me and serves me.
85. I have a right to happiness and joy, so I choose joy and happiness.
86. I can be good to myself.
87. I can be forgiving of myself.
88. I forgive myself what I have to forgive myself.
89. I forgive others for what I have to forgive others, because I want to go through life with a feeling of lightness and humility.
90. I give myself understanding.
91. I am sending love and gratitude to all of my existence — to my past and future, before my birth and after my death.
92. I assume that my consciousness, soul, my higher “I” will guide my life in the right way when I trust in my limitless value, when I feel the light within myself.
93. Today I am becoming one with the Universe.
94. I surrender myself to the higher “I” who will wisely guide me through life and the next day.
95. I am aware that my thoughts guide my life, so let my thoughts become good and favorable – now and forever.
96. I focus on what is important and what is good.
97. I create my future through my imagination and visions.
98. Let my life inspire others.
99. I allow myself to be drawn to the best.
100. My intention is for the best to attract me.
101. So I surrender myself to all the beautiful things that come my way, and I trust in the unknown.
102. I connect with the unlimited beyond time and space.
103. I connect with divine energy, with light, with Quantum – a field of unlimited possibilities.
104. I am taking time for all these words, feelings, and vibrations to settle in my mind, body, heart, and living space.
105. I’m taking the time to feel it.
106. Thoughts and words disappear – only energy and music remain.
107. I sink into them.

Once you know and feel how your thoughts and feelings can influence yourself and your life, let your best intentions guide you every day.
Let emotions and events not throw you off the right path.
Let the heart become Your compass.
I am because you are.
I will be with you always and to the end, if you want.

Listen to 107 affirmations daily. Attract love, abundance, and build self-esteem.

The meditation lasts 35 minutes. Every day when you go to sleep or wake up, your brain works in theta wave frequencies. Theta are waves of so-called “mind programming”. Metaphorically – your mind in this state is like a tape recorder that records what flows into your subconscious. In this way, you awaken the best in you. Listen to this recording every day to unleash your potential for love, abundance, peace, creativity, and self-esteem. The first part of the meditation is to bring your mind into a deep state of relaxation, then you will hear affirmations about fulfillment, letting go of the unnecessary, love, abundance and self-esteem”.
Klaudia Pingot

12R.tv / DE?? EN?? ES?? FR?? IT?? NL?? PL?? PT?? SE??

AL?? AZ?? BA?? BD?? BG?? BY?? CN?? CZ?? DK?? EE?? EG?? FI?? GE?? GR?? HK?? HR?? HU?? ID?? IE?? IL?? IN?? IR?? IS?? JP?? KE?? KR?? KZ?? LT?? LV?? MK?? MT?? MM?? MY?? NO?? PH?? PK?? RO?? RS?? RU?? SA??SI?? SK?? TH?? TR?? TW?? TZ?? UA?? VN??


Edycja 05.01.2022 – 2022-01-05 ❌✅

235. I’m gradually unlocking myself.

  1. 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -> z-35
  2. ?? 0-11 1-12 2-13 3-14 4-15 5-16 6-21 7-22 8-23 9-24 a-25 b-26 c-31 d-32 e-33 f-34 g-35 h-36 i-41 j-42 k-43 l-44 m-45 n-46 o-51 p-52 q-53 r-54 s-55 t-56 u-61 v-62 w-63 x-64 y-65 z-66
  3. 0-O 1-I, 2-c, j, n, u, 3-E,M,W, 4-A, h, y, for, 5-S, 6-b, d, 7-!, L, T, V, Z, 8-B, oo, 9-g, q, p, +-f, k, x, 12-R Contextually: MOM-303, DAD-646 ?
  4. More: 0-zz.com/aa 0-zz.com/ab